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The Current State of Housing Affordability for Young Homebuyers in Australia

By Coposit

Australia’s housing affordability crisis has hit young homebuyers particularly hard, as they struggle to cope with skyrocketing property prices and stagnant wages. In 2023, the dream of owning a home has become increasingly elusive for this demographic, forcing them to confront numerous financial and emotional challenges. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the factors contributing to the housing affordability crisis, the hurdles faced by young homebuyers, government initiatives and policies aimed at addressing the issue, potential solutions and strategies and the broader economic impacts. Let’s dive right in.

An Overview of the Housing Affordability Crisis

Ah, the joys of being a young homebuyer in Australia. For many of us, we dream of settling down and owning our little slice of real estate heaven, but the reality can be unfortunately be a bit of a nightmare. You only have to open a newspaper or perhaps, more likely, hop on social media to see headline after headline about how dire the current situation is. Housing affordability has become a pressing issue, making it increasingly difficult for young people to break into the property market. So, what exactly is the state of housing affordability for young homebuyers in Australia in 2023?

The Australian housing market is increasingly difficult for young homebuyers to crack into.

Factors Contributing to the Housing Affordability Crisis

Rising Property Prices

The affordability crisis can be attributed to a few significant factors. First and foremost, there's the skyrocketing property prices. New data released by KPMG found that house prices are going to continue to rise for the next 9 months, before surging in FY25. This is undoubtedly going to lock more people out of the market.

Low Wage Growth

On top of that, there's the issue of low wage growth. While expenses continue to climb, salaries for many appear to be stuck in a perpetual state of stagnation. Wage growth in Australia has accelerated at a weaker than expected pace so far in 2023, as reported by The Guardian.

Increased Competition from Investors

To add insult to injury, first time home buyers are also competing with investors who see the property market as an opportunity to make some serious dough. They seem to swoop in and snatch up houses faster than you can say "mortgage". It's like trying to win a race against a marathon runner while wearing roller skates... also on a treadmill. It’s tough.

Challenges Faced by Young Homebuyers in Australia

Difficulty in Saving for a Deposit

As young homebuyers, we face a myriad of challenges in our quest for home ownership. One of the biggest hurdles is saving for a deposit. With the cost of living constantly on the rise, it's harder than ever to balance sufficient savings with essential expenses. We scrimp and save, but it never seems to be enough to meet the astronomical deposit requirements.

Limited Access to Mortgage Financing

Even if we manage to save up, there's the issue of limited access to mortgage financing. Lenders have become more cautious, making it harder for us to secure a loan.

Competition and Bidding Wars

And let's not forget the nightmare of competition and bidding wars. As someone who has been trying to crack into the property market for quite some time, at times it’s felt as if everyone and their grandma suddenly decided that they want to buy a house at the exact same time as me. You find a property you love, only to have it snatched away by a higher bidder. It can feel pretty deflating, and you begin to think you’ll never be able to break through.

Lack of housing supply is another factor that makes it even harder for young homebuyers to enter the market.

Government Initiatives and Policies to Address the Issue

First Home Owner Grants and Schemes

Thankfully, the government is not completely oblivious to the struggles of first home buyers. They have implemented various initiatives and policies to help us navigate the property market. One such measure is the First Home Owner Grants and Schemes, providing financial assistance to first-time buyers. Additionally, there are tax incentives specifically aimed at first-time buyers. These incentives can help us save some precious dollars and make the dream of owning a home a little more attainable.

There’s a range of initiatives in place on a state and national level. We’ve compiled some handy resources below to get you started:

National incentives

New South Wales



Australian Capital Territory

South Australia

Western Australia

Northern Territory


Increased Investment in Affordable Housing

Lastly, the government has recognised the need for increased investment in affordable housing. This means more resources and support going towards making housing more accessible for young homebuyers.

While the housing affordability crisis in Australia may seem like an insurmountable challenge for young homebuyers, there are glimmers of hope on the horizon. With government initiatives and policies aimed at easing our path to home ownership, we can hold onto the belief that one day, we too will have a place to call our own.

Potential Solutions and Strategies for Young Homebuyers

Exploring Alternative Housing Options

Let's face it, the traditional path to home ownership is not always feasible for young homebuyers in Australia. In the face of soaring house prices, it's important to think outside the box and consider alternative housing options. This might include looking into tiny houses, modular homes, or even co-living arrangements. By embracing innovative solutions, young homebuyers can find more affordable and flexible housing options that suit their needs and budget.

Co-ownership and Shared Equity Programs

Co-ownership and shared equity programs are becoming increasingly popular among young homebuyers. By pooling resources with friends or family members, individuals can combine their purchasing power and increase their chances of affording a home. Shared equity programs also provide an opportunity to buy a portion of a property while renting the remaining share, making home ownership more attainable for those on a tight budget.

Consider The New Way to Property

Another innovative approach buying property that is fast tracking the home ownership journey for buyers across Australia. Surprise... it’s us, Coposit. You’ve probably heard about us by now (you’re on our website, after all) but just in case you had more questions, here’s a bit of a rundown. Coposit is an interest and fee free payment platform that connects you, the buyer, with a range of off-the-plan apartments and house and land developments across Australia and allows you to secure property, starting with just $10k as your deposit. We originally got in the game for first home buyers as we realised how the odds are really stacked against this demographic when it comes to entering the property market. Since our inception, we’ve seen first home buyers, investors, downsizers and all types of buyers leverage the benefits of Coposit to acquire property. If you’d like to learn more, check out our How It Works page for more information.

Regional Relocation and Suburb Revitalisation

If the high house prices in major cities are putting a strain on your dreams of home ownership, it might be time to consider regional relocation. Moving to smaller towns or suburbs can offer more affordable housing options without sacrificing quality of life. Additionally, many cities are investing in revitalising suburban areas, providing incentives for young homebuyers to move and breathe new life into these communities. It's a win-win situation for both buyers and the local economy.

The Impact of the Housing Affordability Crisis on the Australian Economy

Decreased Home Ownership Rates

The housing affordability crisis has resulted in a decline in home ownership rates among young Australians. This trend not only affects individuals' financial stability but also has broader implications for the economy. As fewer people own homes, the demand for housing decreases, impacting the construction and real estate industries.

Implications for Household Debt and Financial Stability

To keep up with rising house prices, many young homebuyers are forced to take on significant amounts of debt. This can lead to higher levels of household debt and reduced financial stability. The burden of mortgage repayments can limit discretionary spending, impacting consumer confidence and the overall economy. It can also lead to mortgage stress. If you’re not familiar with the term, mortgage stress is when more than 30% of pre-tax household income is spent on mortgage repayments. As of July 2023, a record high of 1.5 million Australians were at risk of mortgage stress; the highest number since the global financial crisis.

Long-term Effect on Economic Growth

The housing affordability crisis faced by young homebuyers can have long-term effects on economic growth. With limited access to affordable housing, young people may delay marriage, starting families, and entrepreneurship. This can hinder innovation, productivity, and overall economic development.

Looking Ahead to the Future of Housing Affordability for Young Homebuyers in Australia

As the housing affordability crisis persists, it is crucial to recognise the profound impact it has on young homebuyers in Australia. The combination of rising property prices, limited wage growth, and increased competition has created significant challenges for this generation. However, with government initiatives, potential solutions, and the determination of young Australians, there is hope for a brighter future. By prioritising affordable housing, exploring alternative options, and implementing supportive policies, we can work towards a more inclusive and accessible housing market. It is essential to address this issue as a nation and ensure that home ownership remains within reach for young Australians in the years to come.


1. Why are young homebuyers struggling with housing affordability in Australia?

The housing affordability crisis in Australia has been fueled by several factors. Rising property prices, low wage growth, and increased competition from investors have made it increasingly difficult for young homebuyers to enter the market and afford a home of their own.

2. What government initiatives are in place to address the issue of housing affordability?

The Australian government has implemented various initiatives and policies to alleviate the housing affordability crisis. These include first home owner grants and schemes, tax incentives for first-time buyers, and increased investment in affordable housing projects. These measures aim to support young homebuyers and make home ownership more accessible.

3. What alternative solutions exist for young homebuyers struggling with affordability?

Young homebuyers facing affordability challenges can explore alternative housing options such as shared ownership programs, co-ownership arrangements and considering regional relocation. You can also utilise Coposit to fast track your property journey. These alternative solutions provide opportunities to overcome financial barriers and make home ownership more achievable.

4. How does the housing affordability crisis impact the Australian economy?

The housing affordability crisis has wider implications for the Australian economy. Decreased home ownership rates can lead to increased rental demand, impacting rental prices. Additionally, the burden of household debt resulting from unaffordable mortgages can impact financial stability. Moreover, the long-term effect of limited home ownership on economic growth and wealth accumulation needs to be considered.

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