Welcome back to Property Now, where we are on a mission to make you the property pro in our group chat.
In this episode, we discuss the generational divide that we see playing out in Australia as a direct result of the housing crisis. We reference two articles that were published by The Sydney Morning Herald that covered different sides of the same coin to pose the question; are Baby Boomers to blame for Australia’s housing crisis?
What are your thoughts on this generational divide? We’d love to hear from you in the comments. If you liked this episode, make sure to give us a 5-star rating and subscribe so you never miss an episode.
See you next week!
Material referenced: The lead article that prompted this conversation is available here: https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/the-sydney-suburbs-with-the-most-spare-bedrooms-20231123-p5emf6.html
In response to the lead article, you can have a look at the opinion piece that was published two days later: https://www.smh.com.au/national/blaming-baby-boomers-for-your-money-woes-is-unfair-lazy-and-wrong-20231127-p5en21.html
Take a look at the comments on the Facebook post for the original article by SMH: https://www.facebook.com/sydneymorningherald/posts/pfbid032SGDKE85eAutYzyqUhJqkbcLye6Sb7YsaxqWbwsv6Zrws2aRxyUsDvvqPzufN59al
And check out the Facebook post for the SMH’s response article here: https://www.facebook.com/sydneymorningherald/posts/pfbid028MWvAFq71dcbm9xQwL9jUzfzdpbhxCjDQjofVvwZexzrzQWNzyYFptYcbkU9Peaql
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